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21 Nov 2017

Mathare MP Was Not Shot, Nairobi Hospital Reveals New Details

Nairobi Hospital has divulged fresh details concerning the shooting of Mathare MP Antony Oluoch who was allegedly maimed in the leg by a police bullet.

Speaking to detectives probing the matter, the hospital disclosed that Mr. Oluoch was not shot as earlier announced by NASA leaders and reported widely by various media houses.
The medical institution stated that the Mathare legislator sprained his leg and scratched his face during the chaos that erupted at Baba Dogo.
playMathare MP Anthony Oluoch at Nairobi Hospital (Facebook)

Confirming the information, Nairobi Police Commandant Japheth Koome said: “the hospital told us that the MP had o gunshot wound.”
Reports also indicate that Oluoch fell from a moving vehicle and fractured his leg.
Havoc broke out in Baba Dogo when residents woke up on Sunday morning to six dead bodies scattered on the road.
A clash ensued between police officers and the locals who were trying to block security officers from accessing the bodies which were later moved to City mortuary.
playMathare MP Antony Oluoch at Nairobi hospital (Twitter)

This led to Thika Superhighway being barricaded for the better part of the Sunday morning.
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