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15 Nov 2017

Police Will Not Allow NASA Supporters Into JKIA

The Kenya National Police Service will not allow NASA supporters into The Jomo Kenyatta International Airport on Friday 17th November 2017.

In a terse press statement on its social media accounts, Police said their attention has been drawn to politicians mobilizing supporters to receive NASA leader Raila Odinga when he jets back into the Country.

“JKIA is a protected area hence access is open to bonafide travelers and all others with legitimate business at the airport must be subjected at all times to the standard security procedures,” the statement read in part.

Police say it is thus not advisable to mobilize huge crowds to travel to the facility as it risks jeopardizing the safety of the air operators, passengers and other users.

“Those without valid reasons to enter the facility will hence be denied entry. Therefore, those mains plans for that day are advised accordingly.”

NASA leadership first made the call during a rally at Jacaranda grounds in Embakasi East on 12th November before self titled NRM troops Commander Miguna Miguna called on one million match grand welcome reception for former Premier Odinga upon his return from USA.

Mr. Odinga is in the US where he has been involved in meetings geared towards pushing the opposition’s electoral reform agenda.

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