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22 Nov 2017

Tanzania Newspaper Reveals Details Of Raila’s Trip In The Country

Details of NASA leader Raila Odinga’s trip in neighbouring country have now been confirmed by a local newspaper.

Mtanzania, one of the leading newspapers in Tanzania, quoted its sources who had spotted Odinga at a small restaurant in Old Town Zanzibar Island.
The Opposition chief had managed to keep his Tanzanian trip very private unlike his recently tour of the United States which was highly publicized.
playA file photo of Raila Odinga greeting Tanzania's First Lady Janeth Magufuli as President John Magufuli looks on (Pulselive)

The Tanzania newspaper indicated that Odinga appeared to be a private holiday based on his light entourage that only involved a bodyguard and one aide.
I saw him and he was with his assistant and one bodyguard as they entered Lukmaan for lunch,” the witness was quoted.
The report appeared to corroborate an earlier statement by Odinga’s long term-advisor, Salim Lone, who had spoken to the New York Times while in London, claiming that unrest forced Mr Odinga to fly to Zanzibar.
"The unrest pushed Odinga out of the country. He left Kenya and is now in Zanzibar, off the coast of mainland Tanzania,” Lone stated.
playLukmaan Restaurant in Old Town Zanzibar (Twitter)

The former Prime Minister had landed in Nairobi on Friday and was welcomed in a chaotic procession that left five people dead.
On Sunday, Odinga appeared in Ruaraka where four people had been killed in mysterious circumstances, and quietly left the country on the same evening.
The Supreme Court of Kenya would later on Monday uphold the election of Uhuru Kenyatta as President.
Odinga, in statement released by Lone, dismissed the Supreme Court ruling stating that it did not change NASA’s position that the Jubilee government is illegitimate.
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