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14 Nov 2017

Wahu Speaks Up On New Journey As A Born Again Christian.

In a span of two weeks, the secular music industry has lost two talented singers in Cece Sagini and Wahu, with Kenya’s gospel industry benefitting.

Barely a week after Cece confirmed her transition to Christian music, revered songbird Wahu Kagwi has also jumped in that ship.

Speculation has been rife about her newfound salvation after she released her gospel track ‘Sifa’ last week. She finally confirmed the transition during an interview on NTV’s gospel show “Crossover” on Sunday.

“I’d like to say that Jesus is my Lord and Saviour,” she said.

She revealed that she has been saved for a year and that the journey of her Christian faith has been on and off.

After getting born again at an early age, she got discouraged by fellow Christians and eventually ventured to secular music.

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Wahu further detailed how four years ago she started rethinking salvation and in 2016 she made her about-turn.

“Last year, now it’s about one year, is when I went through some of my own issues and then it’s like that catapulted me to go down on my knees and to begin my search for God. I made a resolution then to say my faith is coming first,” explained Wahu.

She added that her decision to transition was based on her own happiness.

“What people think is not as important as what God thinks coz at the end of this journey when we stand before God it won’t be mafanswangu, ama mathangu, ama boss wangu, it will be wewe what did you do,” Wahu added.

She narrated how she has been spending time with God to the point that her daughter, Tumiso, even told the neighbours, “kwetu gospel imeshika.”

Watch her full interview below.

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