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15 Jan 2018

Viral Video Emerges Of Embakasi East MP Babu Owino Beating Security Guards In Westlands

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Embakasi East MP, Paul Ongili alias Babu Owino was on 11, January 2018 caught on tape harassing a parking attendant at Fortis Towers, Westlands.

The legislator’s bodyguards force open the barrier while making their way out from the basement parking lot.

The former University of Nairobi (UoN) student leader allegedly refused to pay parking fees. He and his guards are seen alighting from the car and roughing up the attendant.

They then flee the scene of incident.

Owino, only a few days ago promised his constituents to change his ways and serve them better.

”It is a new year and I have decided to make some changes in my life. To some people I have always been the leader who reacts the most in different situations. Some might even call me a drama queen. But I have decided that have to now become the leader that the people of Embakasi East want me to be. To champion on matters affecting the youth of our country,” he said.
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