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20 Feb 2018

Househelp caught with charms (PHOTOS)

An online user identified as Hrm Abimbola Abiola Abolanle on Facebook, revealed how his househelp was caught with numerous charms.

According to him, the househelp was brought to his house, 3 days ago. Abolanle shared the pictures on his Facebook page and wrote;
This house help was brought to my house three day’s Ago ….. All this was found with him in his room. Olugbowun. Asegbee. Alupayida. According to him..
See more pictures below;
playThe househelp with the assortment of charms (Courtesy)
playThe househelp with the assortment of charms (Courtesy)
playAn array of charms the househelp was caught with (Courtesy)
playAn array of charms the househelp was caught with (Courtesy )
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