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20 Feb 2018

Judge rejects case filed against Uhuru

President Uhuru Kenyatta

The High Court in Nairobi has rejected a case filed by activist Okiya Omtatah against President Uhuru Kenyatta's appointment of Chief Administrative Secretaries (CASs)

Mr Omtatah had sued President Kenyatta, the Public Service Commission (PSC), the Attorney-General and the Speaker of the National Assembly over the recent Cabinet appointments by the head of state.
playActivist Okiya Omtatah (Nation)

However, the office of the Attorney General responded in an application seeking to have President Kenyatta dropped from the list of respondents given that he enjoys presidential immunity.
The High Court on Wednesday agreed with the AG's office and removed the name of Uhuru Kenyatta from the challenging the creation of Chief Administrative Secretaries.
The judge noted that the constitution offers the president immunity from civil matters and cannot be sued.
playPresident Uhuru Kenyatta (left) with one of the newly appointed Chief Administrative Secretaries (CAS) Ababu Namwamba (PSCU)

The case will, however, continue without the head of state filing responses.
Omtatah has asked the court to quash the appointment of chief administrative secretaries and principal secretaries, arguing that they were hand-picked and appointed without being recommended by the PSC.
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