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1 Feb 2018

Tuju's name dropped from list of CSs submitted for vetting

Jubilee leaders (left-right) Secretary General Raphael Tuju, President Uhuru Kenyatta, Deputy President William Ruto, and the party Head of Elections Board Andrew Musangi

Jubilee Secretary General Raphael Tuju's name was conspicuously missing from the list of Cabinet Secretary nominees submitted to the National Assembly for vetting.

When President Uhuru Kenyatta named his full cabinet, he stated that he had co-opted Tuju into the Cabinet to serve on a need-basis.
playRaphael Tuju during a past interview (The Star)

However, some media houses reported that Tuju would serve as  Cabinet Secretary without portfolio.
PSCU Director of Digital Communications has since clarified that the Jubilee Secretary General would not be a CS but would be co-opted in the same way that Head of Public Service Joseph Kinyua is allowed to sit in the Cabinet.
The new development could raise questions of the legality of allowing Tuju to sit in the Cabinet if he is not a CS.
playA notice from the National Assembly announcing vetting for 9 newly nominated Cabinet Secretaries (Pulselive)

He is expected to continue acting as Jubilee Secretary General and oversee implementation of the Jubilee manifesto at the Cabinet level.
The constitution in Article 152 states that the Cabinet "consists of the President, the Deputy President, Attorney General, and not fewer than 14 and no more than 22 Cabinet Secretaries".
The constitution further creates the office of Secretary to the Cabinet which is held by the Head of the Public Service.
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