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1 Feb 2018

Unyama! Lucy Njambi Wife Of Former Riruta MCA Was Forced To Drink Acid Before She Died Postmortem Reveals!

Lucy Njambi

Lucy Njambi’s death this past week has caused a pall of outrage and anger at how the pretty 24-year-old lost her life. More details are emerging that show how horrific the last moments were for this lady.

She was apparently forced to swallow acid after being physically assaulted, that the attackers later used to douse her with. According to Dr. Bernard Midia, the chemical was found in her body.

Lucy Njambi

He said the specimens have been taken to the government chemist for a toxicological screen to reveal the nature of the chemical used and determine if the substance had affected her internal organs such as liver and lungs.

Lucy Njambi

Dr. Midia also added that other specimens from the body are also being analysed to reveal if Njambi was raped. The report also shows that the victim had been strangled because her neck and hands bore bruises, an indication that she had struggled in self-defence.

however said Njambi died as a result of the chemical burns after the assault.He put the degree of her burns at 60 per cent, contrary to earlier examinations reports that had indicated 75 per cent. The death of Njambi, who was known as a lovely soul enraged many Kenyans on social media.

Lucy Njambi

Apparently, a month ago, she had had a dispute with her husband and had left the matrimonial home located in Lavington to live in Thindigua. She had left with their four-year-old son. Witnesses said her husband showed up last Wednesday night and abducted her. Her husband Samwel Ndung’u, is the former MCA for Riruta Ward.

She was then taken to an unknown location. She was later found abandoned in a coffee plantation Kamiti Corner in Ruiru. She was naked and badly burnt and was taken by a good samaritan Kiambu Level Four Hospital.

That is where she fingered her husband and three of his accomplices as the author of her suffering to police officers. This would be last brave thing the mother of one did as she died at Kenyatta National Hospital on Friday, hours after she had been referred there from the Kiambu hospital.

Her husband, who is in police custody, is the main suspect in the murder but detectives are pursuing other suspects.Kiambu investigations chief Paul Wambugu said:


What type of love is this, when a husband does this to the woman he swore to protect?
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