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14 Apr 2018

20 Extremely Humbling Qualities Every Kenyan Man Wants In A Wife Material

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Although every man has his own preferences, there are certain things every man looks out for in order to decide if a woman is fit to be his wife or not.

Contrary to popular opinion, most men are not looking for slay queens.

They are simply looking for their perfect match: a woman who is down-to-earth, sweet and sensitive to their needs.

Here, we are talking about real men. Mature men, well grounded on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels.

Ladies, grab a pen and paper.

Here is a list of 20 admirable traits which every man looks for when deciding if a woman is perfect wife material.

1. Appreciation: He sacrifices and does best to make you happy. Always say thank you. Don't discredit him comparing him to your friends' man.

2. Understanding: There will be times he is financially down. Know that it won't be like that forever. Motivate him till things get right.

3. Effort: Don't wait on him to check up on you. Let him find that "Good morning handsome" text . Go out of your way to make him smile.

4. Consistency: All that you did to impress him at first should continue. Don't get too comfortable. Let him fall in love with you over and over.

5. Respect: Treat him like the king he is. Don't ever belittle him or make him feel less of a man. Hitting your man is a complete NO!

6. Boundaries: Your man's friends are not your friends. It's disrespectful making your man have to fight for your attention with other men.

7. Potential wife: Things like cleaning, cooking and catering to your man without having to be told do so because you choose to do so.

8. Clarity: Don't beat around the bush If you are upset, let your man know what's going on so you can solve it. Expecting someone to guess is childish.

9. Balance: Don't guilt trip him into cutting off his social life to spend time with you 24/7. Give him space to chill with his boys as well.

10. Energy: Be active in bed. Don't just lay there like a dead piece of wood. Show some enthusiasm, get freaky and adventurous to please him.

11. Self Reliance: Nothing is as attractive as a woman who doesn't have to wait on handouts. Do your best to make your own money and stop nagging.

12. Belief: No need to be insecure, he has chosen you. Have faith in him at all times and remember to pray for him to be a better person.

13. Affection: Contrary to popular belief that guys are not soft, they are. Kiss him on the forehead, hug him when he is feeling low and make him feel loved.

14. Loyalty: Stay faithful to your man at all times. Give him confidence that he can trust you and never talk down on him to your friends.

15. Pampering: Give him massages. Take him out with your own money when you can. Buy him little gifts. Spoil him as much as he spoils you.

16. Confidentiality: Keep your relationship problems private, discuss them with your man. Please don't take advice from single friends.

17. Financial Intelligence: Encourage him to invest his money more than pressuring him to just spend it. Remember how hard he works for it.

18. Support: Be your man's pillar of strength. Motivate him to be a better person. His success should be your success. Work hand in hand.

19. Presentation: Carry yourself extremely well. Your man should be proud to call you his girlfriend and confidently introduce you to people.

20. A good cook: "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach." Nothing is wrong with cooking for your man. Don't let social media deceive you.
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