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14 Apr 2018

Uhuru Reveals ‘Secret’ Visit To KNH And The Shock He Met

President Uhuru Kenyatta at the Kenyatta National Hospital when he launched a cancer treatment center on August 24, 2017. PHOTO | JEFF ANGOTE

President Uhuru Kenyatta has made a revelation of an incognito visit to Kenyatta National Hospital and the shock that he met at the biggest referral hospital in the region.

President Kenyatta while speaking on Friday to a team that has been charged with the responsibility of regenerating Nairobi city, said the accident and emergency centre at KNH needs a lot of work.

“Most of the pressure requires more accident and emergency centres. You have to get these centres working,” the President said.

The team that is in charge of regenerating Nairobi city is drawn from national and county governments and co-chaired by Governor Mike Sonko and tourism cabinet secretary Najib Balala.

The team will ensure garbage is cleaned up in 30 days from all 85 electoral wards and kick start the journey to affordable housing for Nairobians.

“More ambitiously, the team would oversee the launch of the Kenya Mortgage Refinance Company, which is at the heart of delivering affordable housing. Affordable housing is in the President’s Big Four agenda of putting a roof over many more Kenyans heads, availing healthcare, ensuring no one goes hungry, and creating jobs through increased manufacturing. Nairobi, alone, is projected to provide 200,000 new affordable homes under this programme. Agreements with financial institutions on funding 100,000 units would be signed in 90 days,” read a statement from State House.

The team will also oversee the automation of Nairobi bus terminus, the launch of the bus rapid transport and the setting up of a traffic committee that will ensure and end to traffic jams.

“The team said the launch of car-free days in Nairobi and youth market days in 17 sub counties would be accomplished within three months,” the statement read in part.

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