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14 Apr 2018

Amesumbua Watu Sana! Notorious Korogocho Thug Finally Gunned Down

A suspected thug was last night shot dead in a botched robbery in Korogocho slums, Nairobi. The suspect was among a gang that had been attacking and robbing pedestrians in the area when an alarm was raised.
Locals and police said the gang had attacked a motorbike rider with an intention of robbing him when an alarm was raised.
This alerted police who responded and managed to kill one while the rest escaped on foot. Police say a hunt on those who escaped is ongoing and the body was moved to the mortuary.

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This increases to more than ten, the number of suspects killed in the city since the weekend in a campaign. Most of the suspects are young and some are school going ones.
Police attribute the situation of mugging and snatching to closure of schools.
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