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12 Apr 2018

Popular Kenyan Musician Jailed In Tanzania

Maureen Otiu aka Lady Maureen jailed in Tanzania for 6 months

Popular Kenyan Musician Maureen Otiu better known as Lady Maureen has been jailed in Tanzania.

Lady Maureen, who is fondly referred as the Queen of Ohangla, was arrested with her 15 band member for entering Tanzania without travel documents.

After appearing in a High Court in Mwanza, Lady Maureen, her band, and Nyar Ng’ato Traditional Dancers were sentenced to six-months in jail and hit with a cash bail of Sh35,000 each
They were thrown to Bukungu Prison Mwanza where they have already stayed for nine days.
A report by the Standard, indicate that the Queen of Ohangla travelled to Mwanza for a show last week.
playLady Maureen (Centre ) with her dancers (Facebook)

Lady Maureen’ parents are based in Tanzania and it is said that she has been performing there without any hindrances.
Her colleagues from the Nyanza region have started a fund drive to bail her out and will be holding a concert to assist bring her back home.
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