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11 Apr 2018

Analamba Lolo Sana! Barbie Exposes Nairobi D’s Maya For Being An Escort(SCREENSHOTS)

African Barbie and Maya from Nairobi D’s relationship has taken a drastic turn. When this season started, they were besties until a man came between them. They were liked by the same guy who wanted to sleep with both of them and get away with it.
Gloria Kaychich
Barbie and Maya have been fighting ever since, and not just with words but physical fights and Maya even used her shoe to hurt Barbie hurting her head. The drama continued with fist fights and words. Barbie then took the battle to social media and started exposing Maya and her side hustle.
Gloria Kaychich
According to Barbie, Maya is an escort. Barbie said that Maya should be proud of her side job as a whore and that she was ready to expose her using evidence. She took a screenshot of an escort company site that has Maya’s profile and showed it to the public for the world to see. Barbie claims that she is always exposing Maya over her indecent behavior and people never believe her, so she decided to give it to them with evidence.

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Before doing so, Barbie sent the screenshot of her profile to her first before she could expose her just for a heads up. Of course, Maya denied the claims asking Barbie whether she was aware of who she was talking to. That did not stop her from posting anyway!

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