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14 Apr 2018

Petrol Station Bursts Into Flames At Kasarani [PHOTOS]

A Shell petrol station at Kasarani burst into flames on Saturday morning.

Confirming the incident on their official Twitter account, St. John ambulance stated that the Nairobi City Council fire brigades were on the scene to fight the fire.

The morning fire caught many by surprise at the petrol station in Kasarani which is directly opposite Naivas supermarket.

Curious onlookers stepped out of their houses to witness the incident.The fire was successfully put out without any injuries reported.The cause of the fire could not be immediately established.

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Earlier in March, a fire broke out in Nairobi's Eastleigh estate. The fire broke out hours after a four-storey building collapsed in Kariobangi estate with zero casualties reported.

Reports indicated that the Nairobi County Fire Engines arrived at the scene of the fire approximately an hour later.

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In another incident in April, a vehicle belonging to Tahmeed bus company caught fire with 39 passengers on board.

The bus that was headed to Dar es Salaam from Mombasa went ablaze at Mwashatani area, along Likoni-Lunga Lunga highway, Kwale county.

Passengers escaped death narrowly with police reports indicating that there were no casualties.

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