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11 Apr 2018

Policemen Demand Ransom After Kidnapping Nairobi Woman

Image result for Policemen Demand Ransom After Kidnapping Nairobi Woman

Two policemen were arrested after they were involved in the kidnapping of a 60-year-old woman in Nairobi and allegedly demanded ransom from her family.

According to reports by investigators, the woman was picked up near her residence in Nairobi’s Eastlands suburb area and taken to a house where she was held hostage by three men.

The three asked the lady to call her son and inform him of the kidnapping.

Police noted that the son reported the matter to the Kayole Police Station and officers started investigations into the incident which led to the arrest of their colleagues who work with the Railways Police Division.

The third suspect who is a civilian was also arrested alongside the officers who are being interrogated before they are charged in court.

The incident comes barely a month after another police officer was arrested after a kidnapping and robbery went wrong in Nakuru.

The officer identified as Administration Police Constable Joseph Kiragu Ng’ang’a was among four other criminals who raided a home in Nakuru and kidnapped Richard Mwangi Kamau.

Police officers laid an ambush in the Solai-Maji Tamu area and accosted the vehicle’s occupants who refused to stop and instead shot at the officers.

In a separate kidnapping, a Kenya Defence Forces soldier was arrested in a botched-up ransom demand after kidnapping a boy in Langata, Nairobi.

Security forces have reported that kidnappings have decreased with police employing digital technology to trace, arrest or kill criminals.
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