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11 Apr 2018

Raila hits back at Wetangula

ODM leader Raila Odinga, Kalonzo Musyoka and Moses Wetangula. File Image

NASA leader Raila Odinga has responded to Bungoma Senator Moses Wetangula after the latter accused him of being the architect of his removal as Senate Minority leader.

In a press statement, Odinga stated that Wetangula was being dishonest adding that he was the master of his own downfall.

According to the former premier, he tried to save Wetangula but all senators from affiliate parties, not only ODM, had decided to remove him from the position due to leadership wrangles despite attempting to intervene.

"To date, none of the NASA senators has come out to support Wetang'ula. That kind of rejection was unprecedented and pointed to a deep rooted problem between him and his colleagues.

"We find his sentiments to be dishonest, frivolous and evasive. They are only meant to whip up emotions to get sympathy over problems of the senator’s own making
,” Odinga said.
playBungoma Senator Moses Wetangula. He was ousted from the senate minority leader. (Facebook )

Wetangula ends his partnership with Raila

Odinga's statement comes barely a day after Wetangula declared that his partnership with the Opposition leader had ended.

'My friend Raila, I have no hard feelings for you but our journey with you is over," Wetangula stated.

James Orengo replaces Wetangula as Minority leader
playSiaya Senator James Orengo. The newly elected senate minority leader. (Facebook )

Siaya Senator James Orengo was elected to replace the Bungoma Senator as Minority leader.

Meanwhile, Odinga's statement could likely deepen the woes in NASA and lead to the break-up of the coalition which is many have speculated after the handshake with President Uhuru Kenyatta.
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