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16 Apr 2018

The Emotional Question Matiba Wife Has For Mzee Moi

Former Cabinet Minister Kenneth Stanley Njindo Matiba’s wife is one of the Kenyans politicians who suffered most under President Daniel arap Moi’s regime.

Although Moi and Matiba had been great personal and family friends in the 1960s and 70s, the relationship between the two leaders took a dive during the struggle for multiparty democracy.
In a past interview with the nation, Kenneth’s wife, Edith Matiba noted that he did not have any bitterness for what President Moi had done to her husband.

In the emotional interview, Edith, however, stated that the only question that bothered her was why Moi had persecuted her husband.
She added that since Kenneth’s detention, she had only met the former President on two occasion and in very brief encounters that she did not get a chance to question him.
I have no bitterness. But I keep on...(pauses and looks out to sea) asking ‘Why? Why did he do this? It’s a question I can’t answer. And I wish I have an opportunity to ask him. I have met him twice,” Edith narrated.

The late politician was detained by the Moi government over his push for multiparty politics.
While in state custody, Matiba suffered a stroke but was not allowed to get medical treatment for a whole week – thus deteriorating his health situation.
At the time of publishing this story, former President Moi had not sent out a condolence message to the Matiba family.
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