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8 Aug 2017

4 IEBC Officials Arrested

Four IEBC clerks have been arrested in separate incidences after they were caught committing grievous election offences.

In Changamwe Constituency,Mombasa County, one clerk was apprehended by police after he was caught handing double governor seat ballot papers to select voters on the queue.

It is believed that the suspect had colluded with either a political party or candidate to give the Governorship aspirant an undue advantage.

The suspect is expected to be arraigned in court to face charges that could see him pay a Sh1 Million fine or spend three years in jail.

Murang'a County also witnessed the arrest of two IEBC clerks who were involved in a scheme to change the names of polling clerks in the Kandara constituency station.

The two clerks were nabbed trying to change names of polling clerks so that their preferred clerks conduct elections.

In a related incident, another clerk was arrested in Malindi after he was caught issuing double ballot papers.

The voting process was delayed in two constituencies in Malindi after IEBC officials failed to show up.

Election materials had also not arrived at the polling ststions causing further delays.

Meanwhile, IEBC has fired four officials among them three presiding officers as the voting exercise continues across the country.

Chairman Wafula Chebukati confirmed the IEBC had sent packing presiding officers in Embakasi East, Kasarani and Westlands over delays that left voters stranded in the areas.

Also replaced is a clerk in Imara Daima who stamped ballot papers issued to voters as rejected sparking an uproar on social media.
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