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10 Aug 2017

ODM Candidate Beats IEBC Official After Being Declared Loser [VIDEO]

There was drama at Mokowe Arid Zone Primary School after Lamu West Parliamentary aspirant Rishad Hamid Ahmed fought with returning officer Abdalla Chikophe.

Chaos erupted after Chikophe vowed to declare Maendeleo Chap Chap candidate Stanley Muiruri Muthama as the winner of the Lamu West Parliamentary seat.

Ahmed who was vying on an Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) ticket accused the returning officer of rigging the election in favour of Muthama.

Results showed that Muthama garnered 11,090 votes against Ahmed’s 10,950.

An angry Ahmed claimed that not all votes from various polling stations, especially those he considered to be in his strongholds, were tallied.

He further claimed and that other votes had been wrongly calculated to favour his opponent.
"I swear to you that the winner can't be announced at this moment. We have our right to be told exact things and not cooked issues. We have cross-checked and found out that there are so many mistakes in the forms," Amana stated.

He added: "The tallying forms are wrongly filled."

Nevertheless, Chikophe went ahead to declare Mr Muthama the winner after the disgruntled Ahmed left the room.

The returning officer and a few others were injured during the fight and ballot boxes were also broken in the process.

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