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3 Aug 2017

OMG FACTS:How A Woman‘S Lips And Eyes Can Tell The Size Of Her 'NUNU'

Did you know that you can actually get an approximate idea about the size and shape of a woman’s PUNANI based on her facial features?
Believe it or not, Taoist Matchmakers in China were known for pairing couples together based on how well their g.enitals fit together, and they used the facial features of each person to make that determination. Pretty cool huh?
Each feature on the face correlates to a different characteristic of the PUNANI, and you may be surprised to find out what the eyes, lips, nose and cheek bones of a woman reveal! It is important for the PEN!S to fit perfectly within the PUNANI for maximum comfort and pleasure, so take a look at these clues.
In Taoist matchmaking tradition:
1. If a woman has a small mouth and short fingers she will have a small, short PUNANI.
2. If she has big, thick lips, her PUNANI is will be wide and thick.
3. If she has deep set eyes her PUNANI will be deep.
4. A woman with ‘skinny’ eyelids will have a deep PUNANI.
5. A woman with thick fleshy eyelids will have a short PUNANI.
6. A Woman with bulging eyes, will have a very short PUNANI (women with short PUNANIs should avoid men with large/long PEN!Ses to avoid damage to the cervix).
7. A woman who is near sighted will have a deep PUNANI. The more near sighted she is the deeper the PUNANI.
8. A woman with big watery eyes, will have a big watery PUNANI. Again, the bigger the eyes, the bigger the PUNANI. (Short PEN!Ses are not for you boo!)
9. A woman with a wide mouth and thin lips will have a narrow and deep PUNANI.
10. Puckered, protruding lips or protruding bone structure indicate an elastic PUNANI. It could be big or small, but it will be very wet, warm, and soft. It also vibrates and trembles and is often referred to as a ‘talking PUNANI.’
11. A woman who is tough and emotionless will have a hard, dry PUNANI.
12. A woman with narrow cheeks and jaws will have a small, crooked PUNANI. If it is only slightly curved this is not a problem. However, if the curve is significant, she will need a long narrow PEN!S.
13. If a woman has a narrow forehead and flat nose, she will have a short, wide PUNANI.
14. If she has protruding cheek bones, she will have a very deep PUNANI and a strong s-exual desire.
15. If a woman has a dimple, she has a very short PUNANI.
There are factors that can create variations of these qualities, but these features allude to natural tendencies when it comes to the qualities of a woman’s PUNANI.
Test these theories out on your partner for fun and see if you can guess the shape, depth and texture of her PUNANI by examining her facial features! It will be a fun way to deepen your fantasies about what’s between her legs

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