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7 Aug 2017

Raila's Message to Voters Hours to Election.

National Super Alliance (NASA) presidential flag bearer Raila Odinga, in his message before elections, has called on his supporters to turn out in large numbers and have a peaceful election.
Speaking at The Hub in Karen, the Opposition leader on Sunday urged his supporters to also go back to polling stations to witness vote counting after they cast their ballots.

"My appeal to Kenyans is to turn out in large numbers and vote peacefully. This is a contest of the ballot only. Go home and come back in the evening, when they close the polling stations, and wait for the counting," Raila urged.

He exuded confidence of a win in the Tuesday polls, accusing his competitors of using underhand methods to frustrate the Opposition's plans.

 Kenyans showed maturity in democracy. It has been a very peaceful campaign although there were some underhand methods by our competitors.

"Notice the underhand method by our competitors, who are acting scared and storming our tallying centre" he accused.

The NASA coalition has since named five police officers who were allegedly involved in the raid of their parallel tallying centre in Westlands in which the assailants made away with desktops and laptops that were to be used in the tallying.

The Opposition leader spoke during a day out with his grand-daughters and expressed gratitude to his family for their support.

I had promised my granddaughters the day I get a day off the Campaign Trail it will be their day.The importance of family is immeasurable and I am thankful for the joys of it.

"The pictures speak for themselves; we had a great time.I was surprised they let me on their equipment, I guess it's fair to say my early morning fitness training for Canaan is yielding results" he wrote on a Facebook post.

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