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23 Aug 2017

Sonko Leads Sting Operation At City Hall,Finds Unbanked Sh7 Million.

Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko found unbanked Sh7 million during a sting operation at City Hall on Wednesday.
Via Twitter, the new county chief said the operation came after they were tipped off by an anonymous source.

"It is completely unacceptable that yesterday's collection in excess of Sh7 million in cash was lying with the cashiers by 11 am yet the county's bank is only 50 metres away," he said.

"Under my watch, City Hall has ceased to be anyone's cash cow. We shall streamline revenue collection and management."

Sonko has been on fire since he was sworn in as Evans Kidero's successor after the national election on August 8.

He promised former Chief Justice Willy Mutunga that he will continue cleaning the city and rid Nairobi of cartels.

This was after Mutunga said he had noticed that clean water tanks "suddenly appear" in areas without supply. The former CJ raised concerns about water cartels.

In quick rejoinder, Sonko said: "I can confirm to you today that the fight against water cartels has kicked off. Nairobi will never be the same again #DrainTheCartels."

During his swearing-in, Sonko said Nairobi will never be the same again and made promises including ending corruption, handling the garbage menace and protecting small business owners.

"I shall work round the clock to guarantee efficient and timely services for all our residents," he said.

"My administration will put in place an elaborate plan to clean up the mess that has been left behind by the outgoing county government while ensuring every resident gets value for their money as taxpayers."

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