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5 Sept 2017

ODM Politician Has Vowed To Campaign For President Uhuru Kenyatta Ahead Of The Re-Run Presidential Election

Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) gubernatorial candidate for Bungoma gubernatorial seat in the August elections,Alfred Khang'ati has said he will campaign for President Uhuru Kenyatta's re-election.

Speaking in Bungoma town on Tuesday after meeting with Jubilee MPs, Mr Khang'ati stated that he was unhappy with the way ODM leader Raila Odinga treated him during the elections, which he lost to Ford-Kenya candidate Wycliffe Wangamati.

Mr Khang'ati stated that he had convinced other ODM members in the region to back Jubilee in the upcoming presidential election.He said it is not compulsory for ODM members in Bungoma to campaign for Mr Odinga for the October 17 elections.

"We are tired of being played by our party leader Raila Odinga and Ford Kenya leader Moses Wetang'ula. All ODM aspirants in Bungoma were not assisted financially or morally by our party leaders or coalition partners in the last elections," Khang'ati stated.

"We have got a life to live we can't be chained by two individuals, Wetang'ula has been favoured by NASA presidential candidate Raila Odinga to run his campaigns in Bungoma County. ODM leaders here have no business being flower girls in a wedding to be conducted mid-October," he added.

Jubilee MPs who were present at the meeting confirmed that Khang'ati has agreed to work with them in campaigning for President Kenyatta.

Mr Khang'ati has been joined by Bungoma Amani National Congress woman representative candidate Kellan Wavomba, who had already announced her defection to Jubilee after losing the race to Ford Kenya's Catherine Wambilianga.
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