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7 Sept 2017

Storm Is Brewing In NASA After Raila Odinga Was Issued With A Tough Demand Regarding Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho.

NASA leader Raila Odinga, Musalia Mudavadi and Hsaan Joho

A section of NASA leaders from Kilifi County has demanded that Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho or his counterpart Amason Kingi be made the seventh principal in the coalition. 

Led by Members of Parliament (MPs) from Kilifi county, they said the move would be a motivation to the Coast region considering the two leaders had brought significant seats to the alliance.

Addressing the press on Wednesday, Kilifi North MP Owen Baya, noted that Coast leaders needed to have a stake in the coalition ahead of the repeat polls as they campaign for Odinga. 

“As people from the coast and Kilifi we are saying Hassan Joho and Amason Kingi one of them must be in that team called principals. Because we are seeing principals that are brought in may not add value but our principals here at the coast have added value than all the principals combined. 

"This is not a request we are demanding that one of our own is made a principal and that is Kingi or Joho because they are acceptable not only at the coast but Countrywide,” Baya affirmed.

Other MP's who were present included: Asha Jumwa (Malindi), Michael Kingi (Magarini) and Paul Katana (Kaloleni).

The legislators' sentiments, who are ardent supporters of Joho and Kingi, come after ex-Meru Governor Peter Munya joined NASA and was made the sixth principal.

“I confirm that today I have joined the Nasa family. My election was stolen and I cannot join those who stole my election,” Mr Munya announced after joining the coalition.

The former governor was welcomed by Odinga and is expected to lead campaigns for the Opposition in central.  

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