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18 Oct 2017

“I Will Not Go Back To Kenya”- Akombe Says After Resignation! Here Are The People That Want Her Dead

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IEBC Commissioner, Roselyne Akombe, has resigned and claimed IEBC was under political “siege”.

While speaking to BBC in United States where she announced her resignation, Akombe said that she fears for her life after receiving numerous threats.

She might not be coming back to the Country anytime soon.

Akombe revealed that she has received a number of threats and had been put under pressure to resign.

“I have never felt the kind of fear that I felt in my own Country.” Akombe said and confirmed that he is not planning to come back to the Country.

She further said that the Commission is divided and not credible to run the October 26th polls.

Akombe was headed to Dubai to inspect the printing of the Presidential ballot papers but she diverted silently to the USA where she announced her resignation.

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