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10 Oct 2017

NASA: We're Stepping Up Street Demos Across Kenya

Nasa supporters demonstrate in the streets of

The National Super Alliance (Nasa) has vowed to carry on with demos to push for electoral reforms even after Raila Odinga pulled out of the October 26 repeat poll.

Siaya County Senator James Orengo, who has been leading the protests in Nairobi, on Tuesday said the demons would be intensified across the country.

 “We expect demonstrations all over the country tomorrow (Wednesday), from Mandera to Luanda, to Lamu as earlier scheduled,” Mr Orengo said at Okoa Kenya offices in Nairobi, moments after Mr Odinga quit the race.

He said Nasa Parliamentary Group would hold a meeting with the "People of Kenya" at Uhuru Park where they would proceed to read their resolutions before leading the demonstrators to the IEBC headquarters at Anniversary Towers.

“(We will) march to Haile Selassie Avenue, Moi Avenue, and Kenyatta Avenue before coming back to Uhuru Park and then marching to the IEBC offices,” he said.

Mr senator, who lead Mr Odinga's petition at the Supreme Court, said the basis for the street demonstrations would still be on “no reforms, no elections” call.

The anti-IEBC demos are now in their second week.

The opposition wants the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission reformed, and its CEO Ezra Chiloba and 10 other officials accused of bungling August 8 poll shown the door.

Mr Odinga’s camp is also pushing for system changes at the commission, including the dropping of Dubai-based ballots printer Al Ghurair and technology supplier OT-Morpho of France.
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