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4 Oct 2017

They Want To Silence Me Politically – Johnstone Muthama

They want to silence me politically - Johnstone Muthama

Machakos senator Johnstone Muthama Former Machakos Senator Johnstone Muthama has claimed his life is in danger. The outspoken National Super Alliance (NASA) co-chair claimed recent events in his life point to a calculated move by Jubilee leadership to silence him politically.

Muthama, who is in Raila Odinga’s presidential campaign team now claims he is being used as a pawn in Jubilee’s war on the Opposition.

“I am a target of Jubilee leadership, from top to bottom. For quite some time, Jubilee has used its agents to harass and silence me politically,” Muthama said during a press briefing on Wednesday in Nairobi.

He lamented that he has been victimised with trumped-up charges and exposed as a criminal who does not obey the law.

“I have been arrested, taken to court and detained for charges that don’t warrant to be detained. My troubles began by speaking the truth and defending the people of Kenya by pinpointing wrongs committed by Jubilee government,” Muthama said. He wondered why a case in which he has been charged and acquitted by the court, is still being revived to harass him.

“I was arrested, detained for four days and charged for an offence that was said to have been committed on September 23, 2015 at Uhuru Park. Later the prosecution said I had committed a similar offence on September 26 at the same venue,” Muthama said.

He continued: “When my lawyers explained to court that there was no public meeting on September 2015 at Uhuru Park, the judge acquitted me for lack of evidence.” Muthama claimed he is being used as a balancing tool in the war against hate speech.

“Politicians allied to Jubilee make inflammatory statements and are not arrested. They then wait for me to talk and they arrest me together with them. It means they are not serious in their fight against hate speech,” Muthama said.

He is now appealing to Government to arrest him and charge him once and for all. “I am a law-abiding citizen who has never been charged for corruption or theft. I was the first MP to pay tax. I am an investor here and abroad. Casting me as a man who is a criminal is injurious to my person,” Muthama said.
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