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10 Oct 2017

“Yes I Have Infected 322 Men In Kenya Alone Including 7 Politicians With HIV! Before I Die, Here Is The Full List Of People I Have Infected With Aids!” (FULL SHOCKING CONFESSION)


“I accepted my fate and promised to make all men I come across suffer, I know I’m attractive and men both married and unmarried chase me left right and centre.

“I buried the good girl in me and became the bad girl, my goal was to infect as many as possible,” she explained.

The girl then confessed she had already infected 324 men, 156 of which are students at the Kabarak University where she studies, the rest are married men, lecturers, lawyers, celebrities and politicians.

“Not a day passes without me having sex, mostly 4 people per day,” she continued in her confession. GO TO PAGE 2 TO CONTINUE READING>>>>>
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