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15 Nov 2017

Aombaye Kwa Siri Atakujibu Kwa Wazi! Dennis Okari Visits Wailing Wall, Is He Praying For A New Wife?Or Betty Kyallo?

Dennis Okari

Dennis Okari, the estranged husband of Betty Kyallo, is in currently in Asia and just like they say when you go to Rome, do what the Romans do. The multi-talented media personality visited the Wailing Wall to speak to his Maker.

The Wailing Wall is an ancient limestone wall in the Old City of Jerusalem. It is considered holy due to its connection to the Temple Mount. Because of the Temple Mount entry restrictions, the Wall is the holiest place where Jews are permitted to pray, though it is not the holiest site in the Jewish faith, which lies behind it.

Okari posted a photo of him praying and captioned;

Dennis Okari
Many are speculating that Dennis Okari visited the place to ask God to give him a God-fearing and great wife after parting ways with sexy screen siren Betty Kyallo barely six months into marriage, but only the father of one knows what he prayed for.

Okari was also in Turkey for war journalism training a few days ago, and he revealed that it was one of the toughest trainings he has undergone.

“36 Hours Of No Sleep And Rest With Özel Harekât, Turkish Special Forces Survival Training In War Journalism. It’s The Toughest Test Of Endurance In The World,” He Wrote Accompanied By The Photo Below.

Dennis Okari

Check out reactions from Kenyans after Dennis Okari posted a photo at the Wailing Wall
Nivaasenath: May the desires of your heart be fulfilled. Cling on to Him.
Wagachuiga: In His time, He will make things beautiful for you
Jeffade: Anaye tafuta uso wa Bwana.Kamwe hatachoka..Go go Dennis.
Ragenya: He changes seasons, He is a faithful God, He makes new beginnings
Dave: May your prayers be answ ered @dennisokari nothing is impossible to him
Casperloxh: May the Lord grant ur prayers. You can’t still make it bro
Gathirwa: GOD loves you..HE shall never forsake nor abandon you Dennis
Obenn: Have faith n hope and things will be ok in God’s name @dennisokari
Wanyonyi: It shall be well with you Dennis Okari
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