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14 Nov 2017

VIDEO: Witch Doctor Tells Court How He Helped ODM Politician Win Election

VIDEO: Witch doctor tells court how he helped ODM politician win election

There was a colobus monkey snared with special herbs, a naked man smeared with its entrails to produce a smell that reportedly changed voters loyalties faster than the best manifesto.

This was not monkey business, witchcraft was allegedly behind the resounding victory of a Narok Member of County Assembly (MCA),  Mr Kikaet Kuyu as confessed to a court in Narok on Monday (November 13) by the alleged witch doctor.

Robert Mwongela told the court that through magic, he helped the ODM Party candidate, Mr. Kuyu, trounce former Olpusimoru MCA Wilson Masikonde of Jubilee who suffered a humiliating defeat at the ballot on August 8th, 2017.

Masikonde had moved to court challenging his defeat to Kuyu and as the hearings began, he called forward several witnesses among them Mwongela, a resident of Kitui who claims he has practiced witchcraft for the last 20 years.

Under oath, through a translator, Mwongela told the court that on the 1st of August, seven days before the elections, he received a visit from James Masai, an emissary from Kuyu seeking help to win the elections.

Mwongela says he gave Masai herbs to help attract a colobus monkey as it was a vital part of the ritual he intended to carry out. The next day, he set out for Ole Nguruoni – Kuyu’s home – under the cover of darkness. He says he slaughtered the monkey that had been captured and used its hide to make a belt and a wrist ornament.

Masikonde claims when Kuyu hugged voters while wearing the belt, they became confused and changed their allegiance.

The witchdoctor also claimed to have mixed the monkey’s intestines with herbs, smearing the mixture on the supposedly naked Kuyu. What was left of the mixture and the monkey’s hide was reportedly dumped outside Masikonde’s door, to bring him misfortune.

Further, Mwongela claims that he was promised a fee of half a million shillings for his service but he only received Ksh.20,000.

All these steps were reportedly captured in a video that was played in court on Monday afternoon. The video was captured by the witchdoctor’s assistant, the pair having resolved to film their clients in a move geared at ensuring clients did not default.

The film caused a sensation in the packed courtroom; this even as Kuyu’s lawyer challenged Mwongela’s account of events.

Earlier, the court heard from a neighbour who claimed to have found the monkey parts left outside Masikonde’s home.  The case continues.

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