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14 Nov 2017

Don Moen Shares Stylist With Uhuru.

LEFT: Gospel singer Don Moen performing in Nairobi. RIGHT: President Uhuru Kenyatta during the Jubilee Party's National Delegates Convention. PHOTOS | FRANCIS NDERITU | FILE

Fashion designer for Uhuru had a moment of fame after she dressed  American gospel singer Don Moen.

Designer Carol Pulei, who designed the president’s red and white African shirt, did the same design for Don Moen.

For Moen’s look, Pulei chose the same design, but this time in a blue color, staying away from Jubilee Party’s red color that she uses on the President’s shirts.
Don Moen performs at the concert held at Citam church in Karen on November 11, 2017. PHOTO | FRANCIS NDERITU
Designer Carol Pulei designed President Kenyatta’s shirt based on random sizing and it was Mike Sonko who offered to present it to the President.

Pulei designed the jubilee shirts during the Jubilee Party’s National Delegates Convention in May and rose to fame when the president’s shirt became top in the news.

This made Carol Pulei meet with the president and vice president.

Moen was in the country last week for a worship concert held at Christ is The Answer Ministries (Citam) church in Karen.

After dressing the American singer, Pulei expressed her joy on facebook.

She was in attendance at the concert and watched Moen perform while wearing a shirt she designed and made.

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