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14 Nov 2017

We Got It Wrong..IEBC Finally Admits Announcing Wrong Results

The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) has admitted that it announced the wrong figures for Nyamira Governorship race during the August 8 election.

The electoral body further submitted that they filled Forms 37A, 37B and 37C in the Nyamira gubernatorial election incorrectly thus declaring incumbent John Nyagarama the winner.

However, the IEBC, through lawyer Jackson Nyamweya, defended itself stating that the errors were not intentional and affected all the candidates.

Mr Nyamweya spoke during the hearing of a petition filed by Walter Nyambati challenging Governor Nyagarama’s victory in the August 8 election.

The lawyer further defended the IEBC affirming that the errors were not meant to rob the petitioner of his victory.

However, Nyambati stated that the election was rigged in Mr Nyagarama’s favour. He further accused IEBC officials of enabling irregularities in various polling stations.

The former Kitutu Masaba legislator alleged that some of the polling stations entered the wrong results as the final tally.

Moreover, he cited examples of Mosobeti primary school where the results on form 37A indicated 383 instead of 385.

During his cross-examination, the former MP alleged that in 15 polling stations, there were more votes declared than the actual turnout.

He further urged the High Court to call for a recount and scrutiny of votes, in order to establish the root cause of the irregularities.

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