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16 Nov 2017

Wife Of Supreme Court Judge Caught In Disturbing Act [PHOTOS]

Supreme Court judges Njoki Ndung'u, Smokin Wanjala, Mohammed Ibrahim and Jackton Ojwang

The wife of one of the Supreme Court judges has landed in rare trouble after she was caught in a rather disturbing incident.

Prof Coletta Suda, who is the wife to Justice Jacktone Ojwang’, was caught publicly assigning her male bodyguard the task of carrying her handbag.

Photos of the rather odd scenario were published by a local news website, Nairobinews, and reported that the burly bodyguard held the handbag for over 20 minutes.

Prof Suda  is also a permanent Secretary (PS) in the Ministry of Education and was attending a meeting at the Kenya School of Monetary Studies.

A number of powerful women serving in the current administration have come under online criticism for assigning odd jobs to their bodyguards.

In August, Cabinet Secretaries Sicily Kariuki and Raychael Omamo were put on the spot after photos emerged showing them in the company of smartly dressed male bodyguards who were carrying their handbags.

The Kenya Police, which provides the officers who offer VIP protection, has however stated that there is nothing wrong with bodyguards being tasked with such small duties.

“Let us not perpetuate discrimination against women. If the same police officers carry briefcases for me, why can’t they carry handbags for women? If you guard someone’s body, what is wrong with carrying someone’s bag?" Police Spokesman Charles Owino had remarked on the matter.
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