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23 Jan 2018

34 MPs Abandon Raila

34 members affiliated to NASA have either refused to sign affidavits to recognize Raila Odinga as duly elected president or they are not interested in the idea.

Only 120 legislators from the Opposition, which comprise 1,504 legislators, have signed an affidavit to recognise Mr Odinga as the president, the Star reports.
Kakamega Senator Cleopas Malala, who initiated the idea, quipped that he will be holding a meeting to “name and shame them,” for failing to embrace the coalition’s resolution.
On the other hand, Musalia Mudavadi-led ANC secretary general Godfrey Osotsi confirmed the sign ups, adding that the remaining lawmakers would be talked to by end of the day to have them append their signatures.
“We are over 120 so far, short of 34 but we will get them before the end of the day,” Mr Osotsi said adding that those who won’t sign the document will be treated as Jubilee party moles.
playNASA leaders Musalia Mudavadi, Moses Wetang'ula and Raila Odinga with Ukambani leaders during the People's Assembly inauguration. (Courtesy)

He added: “We will use the list to petition the international community and draw their attention to the fact that things are not okay.”
Meanwhile, 15 counties which passed the People’s Assembly motions - Mombasa, Kwale, Kilifi, Mandera, Kitui, Machakos, Makueni, Kakamega, Vihiga, Bungoma, Busia, Siaya, Kisumu, Homa Bay and Migori – have been sued by the Attorney General Prof Githu Muigai.
In a petition filed Monday evening, the AG wants the court to hear the matter urgently, as “there is an ongoing violation of the Constitution and the spending of public resources on unlawful activities,” he said.
“The establishment of the People’s Assemblies by the aforementioned county assemblies is an illegality as the institution is alien to the Constitution and is neither within the framework of the County Governments Act or any other legislation,” the court papers read.
Earlier, a High Court issued orders restraining all county assemblies from passing or implementing motions on the formation of the assemblies. Kitui High Court judge Lilian Mutende gave the order.
playNasa leader Raila Odinga in a previous campaign rally. (Courtesy)

"An order is hereby issued restraining the respondents and the members of the county assemblies from constituting a special college for the appointment of election members, delegations and observers of the People’s Assembly," the judge ruled.
Nasa chiefs were, however, on Monday evening forced to change the venue of the swearing-in ceremony slated for January 30, after reports emerged that the Nairobi Business Community and two churches had booked the venue.
On the other hand, US ambassador to Kenya Robert Godec held a meeting with Mr Odinga on Monday at Capitol Hill in an attempt to persuade him cancel the swearing-in plans.
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