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23 Jan 2018

NASA Issues Boycott Notice On This Kenyan Media House[LIST]

The NASA coalition has issued a notice of its intention to boycott Nation Media Group unless there is a change in editorial policy.

The Opposition coalition accused Nation of spreading false information against them.
In a statement issued by coalition leader Raila Odinga's private secretary Dennis Onyango, NASA cited seven examples of incidents where it claimed that NMG outlets had misrepresented its position.
playNASA principals at a past press conference (Nation)

Onyango's letter was copied to NMG Editorial Chief Tom Mshindi and called on the media house to change its editorial policy.
These reports all in January alone, clearly point to a pattern and a deliberate one at that, by NMG against NASA. Nation newspapers are either being used to do the work of NASA’s opponents or has deliberately assigned itself the task of fighting the Opposition".
playRaila Odinga (Twitter)

"By this letter, we are putting Nation on notice that id this trend does not stop immediately, NASA will have no option but to call on its supporters to boycott the company’s products and all its products,” Onyango stated.
Already, NASA has a hanging economic boycott against three companies which include Safaricom, Bidco, and Brookside.
Here is the full statement:

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