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23 Jan 2018

Truck Driver Arrested With Schoolgirl In A Guest House – PHOTOS

The suspect, Ali Abdulahi being interrogated by police at Kitale police station on January 23, 2018. PHOTO | GERALD BWISA

A 47 year-old truck driver was on Tuesday morning arrested after he was found in a guest house with a 17 year-old schoolgirl.

The suspect, Ali Abdulahi was arrested at 10am at Taw Guest House in Section 19 in Kitale town following a tip off by members of the public who saw him checking into the premise with the minor.
The schoolgirl is a Form Four student at a school in Bungoma County. She was wearing her

According to Irene Wekesa, a steward at the guest house, the suspect came booked himself in and the left the premises.

"After about 20 minutes, he came back accompanied by a girl in school uniform and they went into the guest room. I immediately raised an alarm by informing members of the public who then called the police," she said.

The police immediately arrived at the scene and arrested the man and they minor in the room. They were taken to Kitale police station.


The minor's mother was shocked after learning of the incident. She said her daughter had left for school two weeks ago.

"I gave her bus fare to go to school during the opening day. I was just shocked to hear that she was in a lodging with an old man," she said.


Trans Nzoia West police boss Jackson Mwenga told journalists was from school when she met the man in Kitale town.


"The suspect will be arraigned in court as soon as we receive the girl's medical report to establish whether the man engaged in any sexual acts with the minor," he told the Nation.
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