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20 Feb 2018

Know This Woman? Police Release Image Of Alleged KNH Baby Thief

Know this woman? Police release image of alleged KNH baby thief

Police have released CCTV image of the woman who allegedly stole a two-week old twin baby at Kenyatta National Hospital.

The image shows a woman with a unkempt hair, red top, black skirt carrying what is believed to be baby Prince Ouko and heading for the exit.

One hand is holding what looks like a mobile phone while the other clutches the baby wrapped in pink and baby yellow shawls.

The unnamed woman stole the baby from KNH on Sunday, February 18 after she was asked by Ouko’s father, Job Nyatiti, to check on the twins as he wheeled his wife to a hospital room on the first floor.

According to Mr. Nyatiti, he had rushed his wife and mother of the twins to the hospital at 2am on Sunday. He said they were forced to wait to see a doctor at the Accidents and Emergency section for more than nine hours.

At around 11:30 am, a room was finally available for use and was asked to wheel the wife to room 108.
It was then that he decided to ask two women who were in the queue with him, to look after the twins.

Two minutes later, one of the women, who was carrying Mr Nyatiti’s other child, Brighton, rushed toward him, panicking, and told him that the other woman had taken off with Prince.

KNH has since released a statement accepting that the infant was missing, saying it is reviewing the CCTV footage and have given the police the same access.

“The matter has been reported to the police and our internal security at the hospital is working round the clock to reunite the mother with the child,” read the statement from KNH.

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