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20 Feb 2018

Mutula Kilonzo Jr Loses Coveted Seat

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Makueni Senator Mutula Kilonzo Jr has lost his position as the Senate Minority Whip.

National Super Alliance (NASA) on Monday replaced the Senator with his Vihiga counterpart George Khaniri.

The Alliance instead included him in the Parliamentary Service Commission(PSC) lists of nominees, a move that has been highly contested.

Mutula is therefore expected to resign from the Senate Minority Whip position for Khaniri to take up the slot.

However, the lawmaker told the Standard that the changes were "not to my knowledge."

Confirming the changes, National Assembly Minority Leader John Mbadi, stated that the decision by the coalition was binding and asked the affected individuals to abide by it.

Mbadi noted: “There have been consultations in making the changes. The letter from my office overrides any other communication to the Speaker.”

The leadership shifts come against the uncertainty surrounding a letter that Wiper Leader Kalonzo Musyoka wrote to the Speaker of the National Assembly Justin Muturi fronting Borabu MP Ben Momanyi as its nominee to PSC.

Other reports indicate that Mr Khaniri is however not keen to take up the Minority Whip position.

National Assembly Majority Leader, Aden Duale, highlighted that Wiper was entitled to a PSC slot amid reports that Jubilee was colluding with Wiper to vote in Momanyi.

 “As long as the document Wiper submitted is still with the Speaker, Wiper has a slot in the National Assembly,” commented Duale.

Mbadi and Ugunja MP Opiyo Wandayi told Jubilee to keep off NASA affairs adding: “We don’t expect Jubilee to dictate to us who should be on our list."
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