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20 Feb 2018

Most Insecure Estates In Nairobi

According to a report published by the independent Security Research and Information Center and the Kenyan Government, the following estates are considered among the most notorious in terms of crime

1. Kayole

2. Dandora

3. Jericho

4. Soweto

5. Lunga Lunga slums

6. Dagoretti

7. Western area of Kibera

8. Kariobangi North

9. Makadara 

10. Mathare

11. Mukuru Kwa Njenga

12. Korogocho

13.  Mukuru kwa Reuben slums

Thugs in such places, murder ( manslaughter inclusive), rape, commit robbery, and aggravated assault roll into one leading to increased violence in the region. If you are planning to relocate to such places , please abort your mission.

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