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17 Feb 2018

Miguna Miguna Unveils Nasa's Big 5 Agenda Items

Outspoken Nairobi lawyer Miguna Miguna has finally divulged NASA's 'Big Five' agenda points.

In response to a tweet by President Uhuru Kenyatta, Miguna stated that the opposition's key agenda points are; Electoral Justice, Reclamation of opposition leader Raila Odinga's August 8th victory, an overhaul of the IEBC, creating a credible register and protecting the judiciary.

During the run-up to the 2017 General Election, leaders allied to the Jubilee Party stated that the opposition had no plan for the country and could not even put their own house in order.

This narrative was advanced further when a section of the NASA co-principals failed to attend Raila Odinga's swearing-in at Uhuru Park.

Bungoma Senator Moses Wetangula, Musalia Mudavadi and Kalonzo Musyoka all skipped the 'oath-ceremony' but have insisted that they are united in their quest for democracy.

On Friday the leaders accused the media of trying to create rifts in the opposition while ignoring deeper cracks in Jubilee.

Through a statement signed by the four, the leaders stated that the media was blowing 'extremely small differences' out of proportion to paint a picture of a divided coalition.

“A section of the media has in recent days used vibrant exchange of views within Nasa mostly on fringe issues to portray the coalition as divided and on the verge of collapse...

“We, therefore, urge supporters to ignore media reports that are determined to create rifts where none exist while ignoring the same in Jubilee where they are real and threatening,” they remarked.

Uhuru's plans for the next five years have been summarised in his 'Big Four' plan (Affordable housing, increased healthcare, manufacturing and fighting hunger) and on Friday he challenged his new Cabinet Secretaries to ensure they deliver.
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