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1 Feb 2018

MUTULA KALONZO Reveals How KALONZO Left Them Stranded At Serena, Switched Off His Phone Ahead Of RAILA‘S Swearing

Makueni Senator, Mutula Kilonzo Jnr, has claimed that former Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka deliberately skipped the swearing in of NASA leader, Raila Odinga, as the People’s President on Tuesday, and should not lie to Kenyans that he was hijacked.

On Tuesday night, Kalonzo said that he was locked in a room.

He said this is the reason he did not attend the swearing of NASA leader, Raila Odinga as the President of the people.

But Mutula on Wednesday said they had agreed to meet with Kalonzo at Serena Hotel, Nairobi, for the inauguration but they waited for him forever.

As Wiper members, they were left stranded at Serena without any idea of what may have happened to their leader.

Mutula also revealed that Kalonzo switched off his phone and that is when they knew everything was wrong.

Mutula further says that "he takes responsibility" and he is very much worried.
He further says "his NASA supporters don’t deserve to be disappointed"

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