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20 Feb 2018

Safaricom Taken To Court Over Okoa Jahazi ‘Service Charges’

safaricom, okoa jahazi

Kenya’s leading mobile operator, Safaricom has been sued over costs imposed on customers using the Okoa Jahazi services.
The petitioners, Eric Kithinji and Ashford Koome say the interest charged by the telco is illegal adding that there are no terms and conditions made known to the customers prior to using the services.
But Safaricom has argued that the charges are not interest but service charges that have been approved by the Communications Authority (CA) and the terms and conditions are publicised in print, electronic, its website and online media.
“It is my understanding therefore that Safaricom does not charge interest on the airtime it advances to its prepaid subscribers as alleged by the petitioner. Safaricom simply charges a service fee for subscribers who exercise the option of using the Okoa Jahazi service,” the telco said.
The petitioners also claimed that the 10 per cent interest was too high.
The case was filed in February 2017 and another complaint filed by Mutwiri Arimi & Company Advocates questioning the interest rate.
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