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20 Feb 2018

1 Shot Dead, Several Injured During Protests At Popular Kenyan Market [Video]

Luanda Town in Vihiga County. One person was killed and several others were injured during protests by matatu operators at Luanda Market in Vihiga County.

One person was killed and several others were injured on Tuesday during protests by matatu operators at Luanda Market in Vihiga County.

The matatu operators were protesting over what they termed as harassment by county askaris.
The deceased, a matatu driver was allegedly shot on the chest by prison warders at the market.
playWananchi looking on at an injured protestor who was shot on the abdomen by police at Luanda market on Tuesday, February 20. (Standard Digital)

The matatu operators had barricaded all roads and lit bonfires leading into the busy market.
The chaos ensued for over 10 hours leading to major traffic snarl up in the town.
According to Standard Digital, the irate matatu operators destroyed county revenue collecting tolls and offices forcing the revenue collectors to flee for safety.
The protests took a deadly turn after the operators blocked a Kenya Prisons bus which was transporting inmates from Siaya to Kisumu and tried to set free the prisoners.
The armed prison warders were forced to retaliate by opening fire that left one of the drivers dead and five others nursing bullet wounds.
The injured were rushed to Coptic Hospital in Maseno and Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Hospital.
Here is part of the video of the chaos.

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