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9 Mar 2018

Kalonzo Announces Next Step After Raila Reconciled With Uhuru [FULL DETAILS]

NASA leaders Kalonzo Musyoka, Moses Wetangula, and Musalia Mudavadi at a hotel during Raila's swearing in at Uhuru Park on January 30. /FILE

National Super Alliance (NASA) co-principals: Musalia Mudavadi, Kalonzo Musyoka and Moses Wetangula on Friday issued a statement, in reaction to the meeting between President Uhuru Kenyatta and the Opposition leader Raila Odinga.

In a statement, the Opposition leaders indicated that they had scheduled a retreat on Monday, March 12 when they will deliberate on the political developments.

They also divulged that they were not privy to the talks between President Kenyatta and Mr Odinga at Harambee House.

"While we have always advocated for dialogue, as Co-Principals of the NASA Coalition, we were not privy to the discussions at Harambee House. We saw through the media a meeting between the President and Raila Odinga," they stated.

"NASA is a coalition of four political parties namely Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), Wiper Democratic Movement (WDM), Amani National Congress and Ford Kenya," the Opposition leaders clarified.

They issued the statement hours after Odinga met the President where they agreed to reconcile to unite the country.

After their meeting, the former Prime Minister stated they had resolved to end animosity before Kenya sinks.

"We refuse to allow our diversity to kill our nation. We have travelled so far; we cannot make it to our destination without bridging the gap.

"We have to come together and solve the animosity that we have been pouring into the boat before we all sink. We shall not fail. If we stand firm, we shall not fail," he stated.

In his address, the President assured Kenyans of a new political beginning following his meeting with Raila - he noted they had an opportunity to discuss matters affecting Kenya extensively.

"All we want is a common understanding that Kenya is greater than any one individual. Leaders must come together to discuss their differences and what ails the country, like ethnic divisions," he stated.
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