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11 Apr 2018

Mombasa Woman Returns With Baby Boy After Being Raped And Jailed In Saudi Arabia

Levina Mapenzi Ngolo, 27, was jailed for allegedly engaging in illicit sex. She returned home from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, on Thursday night aboard an Ethiopian airliner.

Ngolo arrived back after a one-year ordeal in a Saudi Arabian prison. In her arms was a two-year-old boy she says she conceived as a result of the rape.

She was raped by an Indian migrant who she was working with. She said the man threatened her with a knife.

Ngolo said her legs were chained all the time she was in prison. She gave birth to her son in prison after a seven-month court battle.

She said she was handed back her passport at the airport, shortly before boarding the plane back to Kenya.

Ngolo, who spoke at her parents' home in Frere Town in Mombasa yesterday, claimed her Indian attacker, a driver, raped her overnight in 2016.

"The driver took advantage of the absence of our employer to attack me. Our employer had gone to visit her children. He accosted me as I came out of the house," said Ngolo.

However, Ms Ngolo was charged, under Saudi Arabia's law, with engaging in sex outside marriage and jailed.

Her attacker is still serving his three-year jail term.
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