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11 Apr 2018

Sweet Story Of How Miguna Met His Wife

For many Kenyans, NRM General Miguna Miguna is the no-nonsense politician and activist with an undisputed gift of the garb.

However, behind the tough and combative public perception, Miguna is also a family man – a husband and a father of five girls.
In his famous memoirs, Peeling Back the Mask, Miguna reveals his soft side, including about how he met his wife Jane Miguna.

The Canada-based Kenyan lawyer recalls meeting Jane in 1998 when he had come to purchase a piece of land in Awendo in Migori County.
At the time, the political activist had ended his relationship with a Jamaican born-Canadian woman, Tracey Wynter.
He adds that after the initial encounter, he had continued talking to Jane before eventually marrying her in October 2000.
Here is Miguna's narration:
I had earlier renewed contact with my old friend Anthony Ochieng’ Owala, who was then the head of security at South Nyanza Sugar Company at Awendo.I travelled to Awendo, via Eldoret, with my first cousin, Ochieng’ Aoyi, arriving minutes before midnight,”
The following day, before we departed to inspect the pieces of land that were available for sale, Anthony introduced me to a lady who would later become my wife…The introduction to Jane was very brief; we just greeted each other and exchanged personal contacts…Jane and I maintained contact through emails and long-distance calls."
"In April 1999, I visited Kenya again and was reacquainted with Jane. I also visited her home and got introduced to her parents and siblings; thus began a courtship process that culminated in a traditional customary marriage rites being performed on 6 August 2000, in Kenya. On October 29, 2000, Jane landed at the Pearson International Airport and joined me in Canada, as a permanent resident, her sponsorship having been processed in a record six months."
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