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22 Sept 2017

Fred Matiangi Issues New Dates For KCSE/KCPE After IEBC’s Announcement

The cabinet Secretary for Education Dr. Fred Matiangi has adjusted the calendar for school exams to accommodate the fresh presidential election scheduled for October 26.

According to the new memo released by the cabinet secretary, all primary schools are expected to close on October 25, 2017.

. The Kenya certificate of Primary Educatio (KCPE) will kick off on Monday, October 30, with a rehearsal before the exam starts on October 31 and end on November 2, 2017.

The first KCSE exam paper will start on October 30, 2017 has opposed to its early date of October 29.

Students in Form one, two and three will close for the Christmas holiday on October 24, 2017.

Last year's KCSE examinations took place between November 7-30.

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