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25 Sept 2017

You’re To Blame If Kenya Sinks.. Not Raila, Ngunyi Tells Uhuru [VIDEO]

Mutahi Ngunyi

Renown political analyst Mutahi Ngunyi is back and this time around he is penning a letter to President Uhuru Kenyatta. He is telling Kenya’s fourth President that should anything happen to the country, he will have caused it.

The country is gearing up for the repeat presidential election scheduled for October 26 even as the National Super Alliance leaders continue to say there will be no elections if their bare minimums demands are not met.

In his latest video, Ngunyi bases his arguments around the Supreme Court verdict that voided the August 8 polls in which IEBC had declared Uhuru the winner.

Ngunyi warns Uhuru that Kenyans will forgive Raila Odinga, Wafula Chebukati and the Supreme Court judges should the country spiral into the unimaginable, but they will not forgive him.
“President Uhuru Kenyatta sir, we write to you because the country is not in a good place. We are very anxious and we will tell you why. In the mean time, it is a fact of industry that Raila Odinga is a jobless man. The job is with you sir because we gave you the job,

“If the country snaps, we will not blame Raila Odinga, we will not blame Chief Justice David Maraga or his deputy, Philomena Mwilu; and we will not blame the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission Chairman Wafula Chebukati,”

“If we have a crisis, we will forgive Maraga because he is politically naĂŻve. God will deal with him in small installments. We will forgive Mwilu even if she cannot read. Most of us cannot read anyway but if country snaps, we will not forgive you sir,

“The sovereign will of the people is in your custody. You must establish hegemony (a leadership or dominance, especially by one country or social group over others),” said Ngunyi.
Ngunyi and his Fort Hall School of Government students predict that the Opposition leader will use IEBC to achieve his no election scheme.

“Raila will use the IEBC to ensure that there is no election on October 26 if they do not meet Nasa’s bare minimums, Raila will then run to the Supreme Court to claim that Uhuru’s term ends on November 1 despite the Attorney General saying that Uhuru will stay in office until another president is sworn in.

“He will then ask the Court that Uhuru hand over power to a caretaker President named Justin Muturi, the Speaker of the National Assembly, as we prepare for another election.The judges might agree with Raila’s requests if they are still angry with you after you called them ‘wakora’ (thugs) after the verdict that voided your victory. A caretaker government will be created without you, that is the plot,” Ngunyi whose many previous predictions have come to pass, said.


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