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19 Oct 2017

Police Injure Boniface Mwangi During City Centre Demo – PHOTOS

LEFT: Activist Boniface Mwangi shows off a burn mark on his chest. RIGHT: Police tear-gas Jevanjee gardens. PHOTO | BRIAN MOSETI

Activist Boniface Mwangi suffered a burn mark on his chest after an anti-police officer lobbed a tear-gas canister straight at him.

Mr Mwangi suffered the injury on Thursday morning while leading a demo to protest recent killings of protesters by police.

Police bar a journalist from accessing Freedom Corner. PHOTO | BERNADINE MUTANU

Mr Mwangi and his Team Courage protesters had assembled at Freedom Corner when anti-riot police moved in to disperse them.

He got injured in the ensuing melee.

Boniface Mwangi shows his injuries to journalists. PHOTO | BRIAN MOSETI

Police later lobbied teargas at Jevanjee Garden to disperse members of the group who had regrouped there.

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